Call for Proposals: Belarus 2024

Конкурс проектных предложений: Беларусь 2024. Крайний срок подачи проектных предложений: 3 апреля 2024 @ 23:59

Human rights are rights that apply worldwide, to all people, in all places, at all times. They are the foundations of a democracy in which every person counts. The Netherlands strives to protect and promote human rights all over the world, including Belarus.

Strengthening democratic institutions, restoring trust between citizens (and government), and working towards reducing the likelihood and impact of threats, reduces societal tensions and enhances stability. 

Dutch support to Belarus consists mainly of two programs: the Human Rights Fund (HRF) and Netherlands Fund for Regional Partnerships NFRP-MATRA program.

In order to take part in the call for proposals interested parties are requested to fill in the project application template (including budget) and submitted it along with the optional attachments before the deadline for submissions of project proposals. 

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